Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Bride of Messiah

Yeshua made the New Covenant with the Houses of Judah and Israel. Many have responded to Him and the invitation to take the Wedding Cup of the New Wine has been offered to both Jews and Gentiles too. This is our betrothal vow to be faithful until He returns.Whoever wills may come... He turns no one away. In Him there is One Body, One Faith, One Bride... neither Jew or Gentile, male nor female, slave or free but all One in Him by faith in His atoning blood sacrifice, as Paul had the Revelation of the Mystery.
The Bride of Messiah is all those faithful ones, the saints, overcomers, firstfruits who are joined to Him by the Holy Spirit of Promise. In the last days He will send out His angels to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Mathew 25, Luke 21, Mark 13 and 2Thess.2
Blessings in the Holy Name of Yeshua our Beloved Lord and Messiah.
please visit me at http://brideofmessiah.wordpress.com for prophecies from the Holy Spirit, last days articles, videos and some of my music ministry.Lots more coming... Praise the Lord.
So much to do and so little time! Like Esther, we are here for such a time as this.
God bless... Psalmist Susan (Qld. Australia)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you dear Sylvia... you have a heart for Yeshua the Messiah too.
    Once we were lost in this world... now we are saved...
    Sons and Daughters of the Most High God... Elohim,
